Wednesday, August 24, 2011

And the world came crashing down!

It seems to be taking longer for our more fundamentalist friends to start blaming various groups for the earthquakes.  I wonder where we can start:
The Episcopals whose National Cathedral was severely damaged, possibly because this very progressive church has adopted a policy of acceptance and non-discrimination.  And this includes Gay and Lesbian members who have a place at the big table, or the pew if you will.
Perhaps it is the Muslims in New York who want to build a new mosque a couple of blocks from the WTC site.
Or, it could be the various and sundry members of Congress in DC who are "ruining" this country by being Godless, those who are determined to further tax the country, or those who are determined not to.
The list could go on and on to include everybody's favorite hate group.  But it all comes back to blaming God for whatever reason.
But, it's not the reason, you see.  In the beginning, God established various laws of science.  This includes all weather patterns, the cooling of the earth, the cycle of earth warming, etc.  All this includes rain, storms, droughts, tornadoes, hurricanes, and EARTHQUAKES!
So, instead of blaming God for these disasters, let us give thanks that it wasn't worse than it is, and start in right away to help our neighbors.  What greater joy do we have than to join as a family and care for each other, knowing that God is watching over us and will give us the strength to carry on.
In Peace,
Jim Donovan

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Living beings

Dear Friends,
I am a died-in-the-wool liberal, about 99%.  The one major thing I do not share with other liberals is the matter of abortion.  There has been so much written and said about the "woman's right to choose."  Well, what about the baby's right to live?  I think that's considerably more important.  What about rape or incest?  Some of the more conservative folks will make an exception for this.  But, regardless of the parentage, it's still a baby!  Some think the fetus is not a baby until it makes its way out of the womb.  What a cop-out.  Science has advanced too far today to even consider this farce.  And the mother's life?  There are very, very few instances or conditions that would warrant this decision in this day and age.
I ask each of you to stop, close your eyes and imagine just what happens in the abortion parlor.  Go ahead.  It's not pretty, is it.  What about the long-term abortions?
On occasion, I've been told that if abortions were not legal, then the mother would have to go back to the alleys to have the procedure.  My reply was that if a mother is determined to kill her baby, that's where it should be done.
Please folks, please let's get rid of this scourge which is killing our very civilization.
One more thing:  IF science ever discovers a so-called "gay gene," many churches are going to have to revisit their position on abortion:  Which do they hate  more, abortion or gay babies?